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Sunday, February 17, 2008

The New And UnImproved FFLOOSH Army

Is now on Facebook and can be found here.

Elix Arkan fflooshed @ 2:42 PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

FFLOosh! got back together on Starry Starry Night. And yes, it really did seem like yesterday, though it was a year ago, when we first met. But this year, we had a few more friends, which was nice. =)

beaR fflooshed @ 12:21 AM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Apparently It's Been Awhile

For all those people who keep complaining to me that this place is barren and vacant, I have 3 words for you. Okay wait, I didn't really think of the words before I typed that phrase, it hust always sounds cooler when said like that. So uh...

See. That. Button?

Yes, that one in your blogger dashboard that tells you you have the power to write an entry and post it up? Yes, that one my lovelies.

Oh right. Okay, back to why I've decided to write one more entry. And that's cause FOC 07 just ended! Wow! It's been a year - a whole year - since we've met and gotten to know one another. It feels like forever hasn't it? Although forever with you guys might really suck. Considering how cranky some of us get when the mood/period/moon hits, being together for an eternity... yeash.

Guess we'll settle for Friends-For-Life (everybody now - OOSH!). Mortal lives.

Okay, here's the deal right, we've all gone through 2 FOCs, the first one as freshies and the second one as seniors. And for this entry, I would just like to thank all those who believed in our abilities and joined in the planning with me. I know it may not necessarily be me who convinced you to join (although I like to believe that some of you did really believe it when you told me that), but I'm glad that you stuck it out with us all the way till the end of the camp.

If during this camp, there have been any form of transgression against you by my not-so-good-all-the-time self, I implore you to let me know about it so I may address it either through apology or a semi-sorry with gaze averted and head bowed low.

If however you're totally happy and gay and joyful about the entire thing, and would love so very much to continue in this tradition, could you please help your future protege by either signing up for a subcomm next sem, OR cataloging your experience so he/she can have a very clear idea of what you did and how you managed your part so very successfully. This will also help to minimise their contacting you all the time, or getting lost. Cool?

All you FFLooshers (the ones I know of at least) make me so very proud, not that I matter much, but I felt pride when I saw everyone having fun together, pretty much like how it was last year (last 3 days, the first few when you guys treated me like dirt were kinda rough).

So anyway, for the Meepokers who've found their way here, I understand that some of you are interested in joining this ultra-super-secretive-friendship-not-cult-society? Well, if you are, just approach one of us (recognise the photos around this blog) and ask to be fflooshed. We'll see to it. Ho ho ho. For all the other OGs, please don't be shy either. The reason I asked Meepokers is cause their OGLs already informed them.

See everyone in school.
Ed. Erwin

Elix Arkan fflooshed @ 5:39 PM
Sunday, December 24, 2006

One & All

Merry Christmas Darlings.

Once again it is that festive time of the year, and it can only get better with the looming New Year. Of course, after telling you all that, I'm going to shoot it all down. Our grades are on the edge of revelation. Sucks doesn't it?

After that I shall offer you some respite, and this comes in the form of our new Annual FFLoosh Post-Christmas-Pre-New-Year Party 2006 (AFPCPNYP'06, beat that NTUWKWSCI)! The Annual Party is going to be held at Someone's House, and there will be loads of food and drinks. Not forgetting the company and the Invite-Only guestlist. I'm just kidding. If you're part of us and haven't gotten an email or call from one of us, I apologise.

We might just not like you. It's not entirely your fault, really, you just might have obnoxious parents who abused you as a kid or maybe you're just really an asshole/bitch/friendless ice queen of the damned. Or that you aren't in this circle of friends.

Likewise, since it is Christmas tomorrow and all that, I would like to let you know how you can come for our party without being in the main email list (accidents do happen lah, I was just kidding about the fact that you're not liked and all that).

You call one of us up, then you ask them if you can come. Then if they want to bring you along, that's fine with all of us (or me), bring your dates dear friends, bring one person you know would be a blast at this party without making extremely stupid comments that hint at a severe deprivation of attention and is in reality a silent cry for someone to do their skull in.

And for all those who've not responded to the emails, please do. Give your comments, ideas or decline to come for this highly-sought after party of the year.

Also to everyone reading this: Man, you've got no life, why you coming back here when there aren't any posts? You're hopeful, and for that you have been rewarded.

Next year's batch of Freshmen are coming in, make new friends there, and then the FFLoosh Army shall be bolstered. Onward March 2007.


Elix Arkan fflooshed @ 6:40 PM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Here's Something Helpful

WHY DIDN'T I FIND THIS EARLIER? WHY?! - courtesy of Lifehacker.


Elix Arkan fflooshed @ 8:18 AM
Saturday, September 23, 2006

I Heard A Rumour...

That Phoebe is the author of a new viral campaign called "I heard a rumour", where she changed her MSN nick to include that (now) infamous line, and plenty of contacts began asking her what she'd heard.

Next thing they're doing is that same thing, and so on and so forth.

So shall we?

Another thing, how many of you are keen on Dinner & Dance? Cause I feel a little horrible not going, and I think it's gonna be alright if we all go down together.

Subdued is the air surrounding this affair.

On another note, I think I need your help. Please help me with this survey. It's really fast and you don't get any chances of winning an iPod nano, but you do get me feeling good about this organisation.

Hello Again!

Elix Arkan fflooshed @ 11:55 PM
Friday, September 22, 2006

ello ello?

hey guys..this place has been stagnant for quite some time eh? =( quite sad cos i usually look forward to coming to this place and reading some funny, silly stuff. but alas, after waiting for 2 weeks now, still nothing leh. =P oh well.

anyway, after 7 long irritating weeks in school, the mid-term break is finally here! YAY! i noe most of us will still be bogged down by projects projects and more projects of every sort, but hey, at least school's officially out so i am sure there is more time on hand than school term eh? jus wanna say, besides doing all the brain-draining work, do take a good break, go n do things u like, and den come back recharged for the next 6 weeks! =) before u noe it, the first sem will be over! woohoo~! hang in there guys! and pls, i really hope you cute (and some weird) ppl will continue to keep me entertained in class ok? so it wun be that boring. haha =P

dun realli noe the intention of this entry or wad i wanna sae...i guess i only wanted to keep this blog going? heh. =) cya guys next next week then!

lays fflooshed @ 8:26 PM