Sunday, July 30, 2006
Boo.Hey to Ting Yi and Shannon. Sorry about that day yes? Wanted to get home fast lah.-Charlene
beaR fflooshed @ 9:17 PM
Programmes, Programmes
Hi one and all,
For the benefit of the clueless freshies who still have no idea what the hell are you going back to school for on 4th Aug (and yes, it's a friday), here's the program as emailed by mr mark cenite.
SCI Freshmen OrientationFriday, 4th August 2006, CS Largest Lecture Theatre.
10amWelcome -
by Vice Dean Hao Xiaoming & others1015amBasic Facts & Secrets of Success -
An interactive presentation, with current students and faculty, on the basics of the SCI academic program and how to succeed in it.noonLunch
1pmElectronic Resources -
An introduction to the interactive computer resources commonly used. A session requested by current students.130pmNTU Library Resources -
by NTU Library & Asian Communication Resource Centre (ACRC) staff.2pmMaking a Successful Transition to University Life -
by Ms Alice Chung, Student Counselor, Student Counseling Centre.330pmFreshman Orientation Ceremony -
held at Nanyang Auditorium
So well, by the time the whole day's programme's over, i guess it'll be... 5pm? So are we gonna do dinner? club? boardgames? or simply skip the 330pm event and havoc in town?
And i'm so gonna clean my room tomorrow. My smart roomie has decided to rope in the help of two nice lil galfriends he made from the Certain Activities Club FOC, logic being four pairs of hands cleaning 2 rooms beats 2 pairs cleaning 1 room any day, though i really don't see the difference. But i guess since hall 3's relatively new, not much damage has been done... yet.
I'm off to mahjong now. So anyway, let's mahjong some day alright?
Shannon fflooshed @ 7:27 PM
3hrs in new room=black cloth+a pail of sweat
yup yup, i totally agree with whoever (i'm sorry i cant tell who u r jus by 'quek'! someone pls enlighten me??) wrote the previous entry.whoever still haven cleaned up ur room, my suggestion is u might wanna do it sooner rather than later! goodness me, when i first went into my room on fridae, i was aghast when i saw the soles of my feet turning as black as charcoal (rite, mebbe not THAT black but u get the idea) within moments of stepping in. like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and i went "eeee...." n the writing table was super dusty as well so it all meant a good cleaning up of the room was desperately needed.
my roommate wasnt free on sat but i was lucky, though i dint have a maid to go down with me, i have my mum.yup! she went all the way down to ntu to help clean my room (now now, dun go green with envy! =P) n i must say she's realli good man. seriously, i think she did most of the cleaning while i jus cleaned the tables n abit of the windows. i was supposed to mop the floor but looking at how i suck at it, my mum took over in the end when i was barely one-sixth done. haha =P so i realli thank my mum for helping so much. =D
cleaning up was realli tiring i must say cos it was realli realli dirty. n i lost count of how many pails of
BLACK water we poured away! so yah, for those who haven got down to even cleaning up, much less moving in, u r warned. =)
lays fflooshed @ 3:08 PM
Saturday, July 29, 2006
The Sinking of Lake Houses
Orh thanks. I'll go find the Hall Office or something. I'm moving in on Wednesday I think. So if anyone wants to move in then head for coffee or something feel free to call. School's really gonna be starting soon huh? This is the beginning of the end.
Is anyone actually worried about what they're going to wear on the first day? Cause if you're like me and you don't really care (there's no need to think, I'm always in style, just joking), then let's whip out our cameras and get photos of people and their dressing on the first day.
It shall be called
Ffloosh Operation: Day Watch, and we'll snap photos of people (or just each other if we're shy, what?! Shy fflooshers? Impossible!!) on their first day in school. They can pose willingly or otherwise, just get them (dragging and screaming) in their finest firstschoolday togs!
Then, 4 years down the road, we'll release limited edition prints and make a hugea** load of money.
If you're in then this is your chance to become a real photojournalist! Wake up on time, get your camera systems hot and get me those award-winners.
You are allowed to wear a pseudo-official journalist tag stating your allegiance to FFLOOSH, but please make and print your own tag. You are also allowed to use my name in vain as a form of cover, "Erwin made me do it!", deny everything with this one sentence, just don't overdo it, for e.g. "Erwin made me do it, he brainwashed us into getting these cool cameras and he's gonna cast spells on your photos and make all of you into his zombie slaves for complete and utter world DOMINATION!" (man, sounds like a good plot for a graphic novel, speaking of which can someone get me the "Halo Graphic Novel" for my birthday?).
Keep it cool eh? We'll be doing the CS community a service so you should all be so very extremely proud of yourself if you manage to get nice, pretty girls to pose for you. If you happen to get their phone numbers as well, please note it down somewhere and pass the paper to me. I'll uh... get back to them regarding
printing issues. Yeah. Heh (I'm just kidding, really).
Well. Hope you guys like the new layout, personally it's a little too happy-girly for me, but considering that the majority of you ARE girls (don't make any jokes about this, don't make any jokes about this...), I think I can live with and learn to love it. Three cheers to Charmain!
and I'm actually gonna do it.
(I forgot that I could have cut and paste, dammit.)
Good job CKY! Remember ah, you're one of our most shameless characters, so you're gonna have to pioneer the
FO:DW (was gonna try to get it as FOCK but I couldn't come up with a cool 'K' word), and be the most
onse photographer of the day!
50 pts to anyone who gets the most interesting photo! We'll vote on it!
4th of August 2006This will be a day of infamy. Or not. Who's up for a lunch and movie? We'll book like an ENTIRE row of seats and make fun of the movie to the detriment of other movie-goers. And we'll have lunch somewhere nice but not TOO fanciful as to warrant hyperventilating at the sight of a price of the sandwiches. How about it? Beats going all the ways to school and not doing anything after.
I'm up for the beach if anyone else is interested. Or whatever. Throw your suggestions out! Let's rock the vote yeah (eh, wrong country lah)! So So, going out? Yes? Don't care, will call all of you to make you cancel your driving and all that time-wasting nonsense. FFLOOSH should be the center of your universe!
If only I had a big house, I'd invite all of you and make you guys watch
Harold & Kumar Go To Whitecastle as well as
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. There'll be fun and games. Unfortunately I don't have a big house to spare so this is purely hinting and rambling.
I think I should stop now, there's been complaints on my blog entries turning out to become essays. Considering that I was only gonna have a two/three/four-line entry, this has turned out remarkably well.
Secret Commitee Handshake,
Elix Arkan fflooshed @ 9:13 PM
hey erwin, you can collect your keys from your own hall office. i hoped the hall seniors has called everyone up regarding the keys collection.
p.s--charmaine!!! i love the template. thank you for making such a nice one for us. :)
shuwan fflooshed @ 1:29 PM
Friday, July 28, 2006
hey fflooshers! pls bear with me im not done with the layout yet!
charmaiin fflooshed @ 7:46 PM
Lovely Lala People
Hi everyone!
I would just like to say how proud I am that all of you are very active in promoting the FFLoosh spirit! I know our OG group Lala seems like it's kinda missing, but I hope you know that it's just been transformed into FFLOOSH!
Make friend make friend!I would like to thank everyone for their effort in turning up for our OG outings, even though sometimes the outings are a bit last minute and I know all of us are very very busy people, so I would like to thank you guys/gals for being such great friends. KBOX was a blast, a shout-out to Charmain's friend I-forgot-your-name-I'm-so-sorry, for being a sport and having dinner even though CKT* left you alone with us (which I suspect is never a good idea for first timers, the subsequent psychiatric fees, whew!), we are glad to have you as a FFLoosh member!
Also to everyone who's blogged here so far, you're making this blog more interesting than reading several thousand emails a day. Thank you for your words and your insight into life, suppers, books, hall life and travelling. I think I speak for everyone when I say that none of us regret going for the camp and staying (as long as each of us could anyway) to see it through (see: joshualand,
zhao hun monkey, etc.).
For those who've not left their mark here, if it's cause no one told you about it, please check your email boxes, I've sent and resent invites to you guys. Please please please share your thoughts with the rest of us (for the seniors, just tell us what books/notes you can give away, that's all, thanks. Just kidding!), we're dying to read whatever you've got to say to us, tell us your secrets, your scandals, your dirty little habits, your sleeping habits, your closeted sexual orientation and maybe even your hair-washing techniques.
Feed us anything, doesn't need to be funny. Oh, just for inter-OG diplomacy, here's a
link to check out. They've got a nice layout. I think Charmain's layout for our site's gonna be gorgeous too (if not more so, no offence to anyone).
Hall Allocation UpdateHall 1 - Me, Cheryl
Hall 2 - Johnson
Hall 3 - Shannon
Hall 4 - Daphne, Leigh
Hall 5 - Layming (lol. sorry.)
Hall 7 - Charmain, Rachel
Hall 12 - Chrystal
I don't know where the other FFLooshers are, but if you see trenchcoated people walking around please don't assume that it's our fellow members. Thanks to Rachel for clearing up the confusion regarding the hall keys. I don't even know where to collect them, so if I need a place to sleep is anyone up for another roomie?
Seniors, besides Johnson, where the hall are you guys? Let me know,
For those of you going for the Hall Camps,
SPREAD THE FFLOOSH. But I don't mean anyhow initiate hor, invite your new friends to our outings and stuff like that. Must make sure we initiate only strange, indie, cool people (preferably with some twitching and penknife-playing). None of those too hip, too mainstream, too pretty (darn ugly) people. But got discount for existing friends. Just bring. I already have a damn KBOX-enthu CS roomie who wants to come along for KBOXing.
I thank you all, for your time and jokes and wonderful singing, and I bid you a very good afternoon.
Erwin Nah
p.s. can someone plan a solid outing (blackbag everyone the night before) for the post-4th Aug talk? something's been floating around but we aren't getting anywhere with it.
*CKT is char kuay teow. CBH is char bee hoon. One is Da De, one is Xiao De. FYI.
Elix Arkan fflooshed @ 11:56 AM
hello hello....
finally decided move my fingers and actually type something here.
hall update: i'm in hall 4.. heh and i'm damn kiasu.. went to get keys and clean up already! rooms aint very clean... dusty and all.. so i suggest hall pple better clean up soon!
gg to ikea tmr to get stuff to deco the room. ehh now got clearance sale so go get ur stuff asap!!
for all the pple who stay in the "halls 1, 4 and 5" side of "the NTU village", we should go follow erwin's 'flight plan' and find the shortest possible way to WALK (when we're not late for lectures and actually feel ENERGETIC enough to walk that fair bit).
ehh. that's all.
daph :)
deaf-- fflooshed @ 12:37 AM
i'm in hall 5!!!
hey hey...dint realise this place is so active n i've been missing out on abit. -_- anyway, i'm going to stay in hall 5 but i dun see anyone say the same thing so i guess angeleigh(did i get it rite?? sorry if i dint =P) is like the nearest ffloosher to me?? hmmm.
by the way, met apple when i went shopping with my mum yesterdae. she's working at tangs n jus to let u guys know, she said her mum's getting better =)
lays fflooshed @ 12:18 AM
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Hey FFLOoshers! i'm currently making a new blogskin for this blog haha give me some time k i will probably finish it by tmr. HAHA. but if u guys are kind enough, u guys can give me till next week hahaha.
charmaiin fflooshed @ 9:20 PM
Yoz hallmate...
Haha relac manz Charmaine. No need to get all worked up and post 2 identical entries. Anw, I've got my room key! Staying at Blk 39 Level 4. Gonna climb stairs like mad.
Anyway, just a correction for the previous previous entry. You will still have to pay the surcharge if you're going for the hall camp and are checking in before 1st August. But it will be at a discounted rate of $5/night until 1st August. Otherwise, the usual rate of $7/night will be charged. And of cos, those who aint going for the hall camps CAN check in before 1st August.
Enough of being the Hall spokesperson.
Btw, I'm going for hall camp! Third camp in a row. Pray hard I won't get burnt this time. Anw, how was lunch?
tRy fflooshed @ 8:46 PM
Hi five to Rachel! Fellow hall mate! I'm going to hall 7 too! haha are you going for the camp? cos i'm not going man, too many camps will kill me! yay i cant believe i will be able to wake up at 820 and trudge to school for lessons at 830 hurhur.
we can all meet for supper next time, to those staying in hall. it'll be fun! :)
charmain the big one.
charmaiin fflooshed @ 6:58 PM
wherever you stay, take the shuttle bus!!! you've paid for it in your school fees anyway.
so dress up nicely, wear your heels and take bus to school. no sweat.
i do freaking care about comfort,
shuwan fflooshed @ 1:41 AM
Breaking Down, Falling Apart
Links for you Cheryl, since you like short stories!
Here's something interesting to look at as well
This is not an error page
I'm just stumbling around in the dark.
See You Love,
Erwin Nah
Elix Arkan fflooshed @ 1:19 AM
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Angeleigh, you do not need to walk your legs off to get to class. And the purpose is not defeated because staying in hall may mean walking, but it beats walking from home. Your legs will also technically not fall off from walking the highlighted route above. You can take a bus. Which I suspect will come from Hall One where I am going to be living in. If you see someone running for the bus, help me tell the uncle to wait. I've also drawn up the "Flight Path" you could take, cause that's the fastest route. I don't know what mode/animal of transport you will utilise for this route, but I've been assured that it is the fastest. Let me know if anyone else needs a map too.
I'm in Hall 1. That's freaking far. I think Cheryl's also gonna be in Hall 1. Hello!
We've got Shannon (you're part of FFL.) who's in Hall 3, Angeleigh in Hall 4, Rachel in Hall 7 and Chrystal in Hall 12. Who else has found out their allocated halls?
I will not be going for Hall camp. Apparently if you go for the camp you can collect your keys tomorrow without paying for the daily before 1 Aug collection surcharge, whereas if you do not go, you can collect your keys only on the 1st of August. It's like paying for the surcharge in your hall camp fee. No point to wasting the money like that.
Anyways, if you haven't already heard, tomorrow we'll be having a Corporate Lunch at Orchard MRT, meet there at 12 pm. We'll most probably be having dinner out as well, and a movie might be thrown in between for good measure. Be there ladies and gents!
Mapping Life,
Erwin Nah
Elix Arkan fflooshed @ 10:42 PM
My 第一次
Yozzie people,
hahaz, I got into Hall 7! Damn near to CS, but it's gonna be very dusty cos of the construction going on.. sians.. And during the CS camp, I realise it's one of the oldest halls in NTU. One night I was sleeping in the room and happen to notice the ceiling fan. The paint's peeling off it, for goodness sake. I was so afraid some of it might drop into my mouth while I was sleeping. Who knows, I may just choke to death...Choi choi, shouldn't be saying these inauspicious stuff since it's the start of the lunar seventh month..
So ya, take care people! Esp those going for hall camps during this seventh month. May the force be with you!
BR, Rachel
tRy fflooshed @ 10:11 PM
My virgin entry.
music: damien rice - cannonball
I feel slightly retarded and there are so many entries to catch up on! (I'm still working on the latter.) You people sure are the kings/queens of email and blogging tsunamis. Heh.
In all honesty, I don't quite know what one should type in such a public blog. And I'm in Hall 4! Can someone please reassure me that I won't have to walk my legs off to get to class, which will really defeat the purpose of me staying in the hall in the very first place?
Leigh fflooshed @ 12:39 PM
hey chrystal!!!!
don be horrified! Hall 12 is a wonderful place. don worry about the air-con since you have to pay extra. hall 12's tv lounges, reading room, computer room, study room, function room and blah blah are all air-conditioned. so you can hang out there. as for last sem, i spent most of my time in the tv lounge doing cs projects with my hall/cs mates. one more thing, hall 12 has a hell lots of cs seniors.
and don worry about the non-attached toilets since you have to wash the toilets if they are attached. hall 12 has toilets nicely cleaned by our hardworking aunties every morning and afternoon. so it's okay. plus, this is a new hall, barely 5 years old, so the toilets are still in good conditions.
so yeah...anymore staying in hall 12?
post your hall allocation results here!
shuwan fflooshed @ 1:21 AM
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
I wanna croon too! Gee. Apparently i've missed out so much on the ffloosher activities, may i ask, when's the next event then?
And yes, though i'm an associate member from the prawnnies, rest assure, when school start, more will come along and ffloosh with us... hahah...
(ok, i'm just bored, sick and tired of a Certain Activities' Club FOC. forgive me.)
and i'm at hall 3. anyone else?
Signing off,
Shannon fflooshed @ 11:24 PM
my sincerest apologies.
to all saints (no, not those from sajc, you know what i mean) out there,
first and foremost i would like to extend my gratitude to those who have chosen to avail themselves for the meeting that was supposed to happen this thursday.
however, i regret to inform you that the meeting has been postponed to sometime next week due to my late confirmation with Apple, only to find out that her mum will be having a checkup in the hospital this thursday morning. thus, it will be a no-show this thursday for the prayer meeting. and my sincerest apologies go out to those who have made it a point to free yourselves on that day.
i am sorry for this late notice, and also that you guys have moved the corporate lunch to thursday for this matter. but yah, i think it'd be too late to move it back to tomorrow at this point of time. and also, i will try to confirm a day next week asap so that we won't have any last minute changes. and hopefully we will have more people then as well.
also, Apple extends her gratitude to everyone...
thanks to everyone,
Ting Yi
azif_ah fflooshed @ 10:47 PM
Sex, Lies & Videotape
Hola Everyone!
I'm very glad so many of us turned up for the karaoke session, and I can declare that a very successful outing! I'm sure you've discovered that there are many hidden talents in your fellow fflooshers! You've also found out that some people don't do karaoke, whereas many of us are FREAKIN' NUTS and will give a prize-worthy performance with the mike (see Kenneth kneeling on the floor in agony).
I can tell that many of you enjoyed the session, filled with lots of laughter, corner talking, whispered looks of knowing and all that jazz. The dinner was equally excellent save that we couldn't sit together. But I'm sure you guys had fun right? We'll have our food on the floor like in camp the next time there isn't enough seats okay? No? Are you all just going to leave me on the floor?
I'm sure we're also grateful to Kenneth for organising the entire thing and making it such a bargain to go for, so a round of applause for him please. Really. Do it. Clap in front of your computer screen.
Man, I can't believe you actually did that. But thank you for doing it, it makes writing these posts bearable. I'm grateful. So 5 pts to you if you clapped!
Oh and also a shout-out to Winnie the Darren Pooh, thanks for having dinner with us! We're so glad you're a proud member of FFLoosh! Look everyone! The Chair endorses FFLoosh too! So shake our hands for membership now!
To all those who couldn't join us because they were sick, Charlene and Cathy, hope you gals feel better enough for the next FFLoosh Corporate Retreat! Newsflash: Company Lunch on Thursday, please try and free up your schedules to come down. If you're not free for lunch, same rules apply, appear for dinner! There's going to be a prayer meeting for Apple & Her Mum first, if you need details ask Ting Yi.
Dearest Apple. Hang in there. Be strong, we'll be with you. Friends-For-Life Oosh!
Are there any other books/music/movies among us? Cause I think many of us share very similar tastes in music and stuff like that. We could give reviews about stuff here to save one another the trouble of shelling out money for a bad movie, or we could lend one another books we own. Someone upload a list of the books/music/dvds they own, or something like that. It's gonna save us a lot of money, which we can use to go out and have nice dinners at equally nice places with our nice Ffloosh friends. I'll upload mine soon. It involves graphic novels.
See You Guys Soon!
It was lunch,
Erwin Nah
Elix Arkan fflooshed @ 9:13 PM
Change of Plans.Scraps the plans of an outing tmr. Just thought we might as well do it on Thursday since some of us will be going over to Apple's place. I have no idea what day to meet for the Apple thing, but we'll just wait for Ting Yi's message/post/email k?-Charlene(Chrystal, you're welcome.)
beaR fflooshed @ 8:02 PM
To those who were at Sentosa on Sunday.Photos can be found at might be a few videos in there somewhere, but I'm not sure.Darren, you might want to tell GuangZheng and Say Heng about it 'cuz there are a few photos of them in there.-Charlene
beaR fflooshed @ 5:44 PM
Monday, July 24, 2006
Of Kbox and I
Now that the Family Dinner is over (that's why I didn't go for our Marche dinner), I'll make my mark on the FFLoosh blog.
So I'm still reeling in shock that I recognised the tunes of not one, not two, but THREE Chinese songs today at kbox. Yes, I am a self-professed banana,
kentang, whatever. That (foreign)language really does baffle me quite a bit.
Anyway that's not the point of my inaugural FFLoosh post. Point is, I did have a really good time with all of you today, whether or not we all sang our lungs out. We really fulfilled our primary aims of reputation-losing and embarrassment, even though it was just within our own FFLoosh circle. Karaoke is not (and never will be) one of my favourite activities, but heck, with such great company, I didn't really care if I started laughing hysterically into the microphone or did something equally moronic. I bet you didn't either. (:
Besides being a complete and total
kentang/banana (whichever you choose to apply to people such as myself), I can become quite the geek when it comes to school. So as you all might know, there's some orientation thing going on in school on 4th August. Rachel and I are going and I think Eveline too. So maybe we could all go down together, sit in the back of the LT and do what we always do if the talks get too boring. We could also plan our FFLoosh invasion strategies while the rest of the freshmen are intently listening to whatever professor is yakking away.
Before I start rambling on and on just like in my JC lit essays, I've decided to end here. Till the next time I get inspired enough to come here and type literary vomit, goodnight.
Don't Bug Me!
EDIT: If the above rambling happens to appeal to you, I have an entire blog filled with such musings/rambles/rants/literary vomit. go to
dae fflooshed @ 9:28 PM
No Wo/man Left Behind
If anyone seems to have not gotten the email regarding the invite to this blog, please drop me an email telling me who you are and what email address I should send the invite to.
This is because Blogger seems to have screwed up and some people don't get the invite even though I've sent it out ages ago. SO NO ONE IS LEFT OUT.
Okie doke? Now, back to reservist training that I'm not even supposed to be here for. More interesting updates soon.
Eat Me,
Erwin Nah
Elix Arkan fflooshed @ 1:10 PM
The Royal InvitationDear ffloooshers,You are all invited to a very exclusive party this coming September! It's gonna be happening and kick-ass.. or at least I hope.. hehe.. so do come!and for those that don't know yet.. yes.. i do work for Seventeen Magazine.. freelance stylist/fashion writer! :)Seventeen Birthday Bash cum Ms Seventeen Pagent(yep.. for all you guys out there.. the girls are pretty hot!)Date: 5 Sept 2006Venue: ZoukTime: 730Dress Code: Punk Rock!The Buzz: Live band by Band B, Ms Seventeen Pagent, Stage Games to give away pretty good prizes!this is a by invites only event so if u guys wanna come tell me how many tickets you need yea? feel free to invite your other friends too! i've got like unlimited tickets so just drop me an sms!don't ask me if it'll be fun or not cuz it really depends on the crowd.. last year was not too bad.. and it really depends on who's going to see the sucess.. so just make it happen! hehe.. besides.. if it turns out to be boring we can always have our own outing! self-entertaining remember?!Rock on!deA
dea fflooshed @ 12:46 AM
to the self entertaining bunchya.. that's you guys.. all you fflooshers out there.. it's crazy la.. i didnt have time to check my mail and it's like flooded with 20 over emails.. madness.. and if uve been to any one of their outings.. and just sit back and watch the whole table.. u'll see how self entertained this bunch of pple are.. it's like they can talk non-stop for hours.. well.. probably forever if they can sit there that long.. maybe that can be another perk for Fflooosh! haha..and yes.. this is Deana, ogl here.. cant believe u guys are MEAN! goodness.. make fun of mE to get points?! horrible.. since i am ogl, i have VETO POWER!!! and im gonna remove the bonus ponits! muahahaha.. but i'll still be nice and add a new one. now it's if u can make fun of the dear banaNah, you get an awesome 30 points! cool eh?! way better than mine la.. so change your targets fflooshers!anyway.. wanna say im pretty impressed by you guys, the ffloosh thing, the blog and all.. shows how well u guys have bonded.. it's awesome! thanks to whoo?? haha.. your ogls kenneth and I of course!! haha... yay! 100points! ah..whatever.. haha.. im kidding.. but what darren said.. im sure given a week or so u'll be spreading the fflooosh thing to the whole 06 batch of cs la.. amazing! way to go guys.. Tingyi.. must make more trips back form Joshua land already.. cuz got more work for u guys..oh yes.. and do u know how freakin tiring it is to read all your entries?! so long la.. haha.. but they're great la.. oh yes.. took lots of photos today.. i'll load it on my blog yea? so can get from there!veto powered,dea!
dea fflooshed @ 12:26 AM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Wee!! Ok, I'm not exactly that energetic now, with a bad cough and a red eye. How perfect.Today's outing was fun, more funny actually. There were more seniors than juniors. Haha. How often does that happen? Sad case. There were only 3 Lala ppl(Big Char, Erwin and me), Shannon, and the other 5 were seniors(Say Heng, Pooh Bear!!!=), Scott, Johnson and GUangzheng)! Didn't really do much, especially me. I was nua-ing in the shade most of the time, being the Qian Jing Xiao Jie I am. Haha. But well, was fun. Why everyone pang seh!!!! Why?! So sad.Don't know what to say alR. Haha.Oh oh! Who's interested in being part of next year's FOC?? I am! Well, if there are people I know in there. Well, it's be good it Bana becomes chairman. Muahaha. Ok, stop it. I need friends too. I really want to be in there!! Can some of you please please join? We'd probably need Fiza's and Chrystal's brain for the Human Cluedo man. Heh.Ok, I'm off. This post is redundant.
beaR fflooshed @ 11:37 PM
I Am a Table.
I am very flattered and humbled by the praises you guys have heaped upon me. Especially regarding the Intro post, cause I did that after a very very long day and I was dying in front of the comp trying to type out something worth your reading. According to Ting Yi, it's dismal for our contributors/members to come to a site that's completely blank and dead.
I don't really know how to deal with compliments, and I know you'd all like to imagine me having a huge ego, but really, I don't know how to respond to compliments, so there's no need to give me any. Haha, thanks for listening. Back to usual programming.
I've just driven around half of Singapore, returned home only to drive out again for supper with a pal. So forgive me if I'm not altogether jumping for joy and making you laugh. One can only take so much gravel in one day.
Anyhoos, thank you to all the people who've posted so far, it's great to see so many people interested in making Ffloosh rock (everyone's socks off - what purpose this serves eludes me till today, but still)!
Thank you Ting Yi for totally ruining me, now everyone will think I'm really gunning for a post I've never actually expressed interest in (Prime Minister Nah... hahahaha world/island domination!). I think that lala's actually filled with plenty of talent. Remember how we were all crapping (okay, just some of us noisier ones) whilst discussing the skit, and all of a sudden Fizzah (?) speaks magical words to save the entire plot? That was ffloosh amazing! I suggest that everyone here join FOC 2007, cause each and everyone of you have a talent, you may not know it yet, but anything's a talent, compared to being able to monotonously drone on and on without end (in sight).
Ting Yi, you just want to inflict horror and mass destruction upon the freshies next year. Don't worry, we'll have you write (10) award-winning scripts for Human Cluedo, so like we discussed earlier, there'll be an entire room filled with suicidal people ready to go.
I wish my lawn was emo, so it'd cut itself.
Hey Layming! You are one funny gal (no, not because of your name), how come you name your blog "whocaresaboutu", then get sad when no one reads? Ask Shuwan lah, we think she Freakin' Cares.
Anyway, don't worry about your readership, after you shamelessly (yes, good, keep with our mission) plugged it here, you'll be guaranteed a spike in your blog stats. The traffic will positively go through the roof! Why you ask? Well, we're a support group (of losers who don't have friends, so they'll be constantly in search of blogs) and we will support one another!
As such, there will soon be a blog link sidebar for Ffloosh bloggers to increase their traffic! We will outsource and hire people from overseas to visit all these blogs everyday, over and over, so that traffic spikes and we can all be merry and die of blog-reader-satisfaction! SO WRITE ON! Oh by the way, I don't use too cheem words right? Cause I can always change.
The OnLy tHInG i dOn't dO Is ThIS bIg-sMAlL, BiG SMalL Ah-LiAn cUteSy wRiTinG tT gIvEs Me A F**kiNg heAdAchE.
Send me your blog addresses if you are willing, so that it can be featured on a new akan datang sidebar! Charmain ar, could you get on this thanks! Lol.
Eh eh, did you see that, we haven't even OOSH that Darren (winnie-the-pooh music here) he already like one of us, don't worry, we'll get him tomorrow in the Mothership and probe shake/oosh his hand. Then he'll be One Of uS (geddit? geddit?). Thanks Winnie the Pooh! I won't let you laojiao Saints down, don't know what you think I did but okay, haha!
Hello Shannon, thanks for showing up. Uhm, we also have friends, if the prawns don't wanna play with cockles then so be it. We don't really care (play hard-to-get, the prawns will cave in) when we've got soooooo many friends already (think he's biting?). Hmmph. But uh, are you showing up for Sentosa by the way?
Oh right, since you've actually bothered to stick with reading me all the way down here (ooh...), I shall reward you with more secret information. Did you know? On Tuesday, 5th September 2006, Seventeen magazine is having a party and we're all (mostly) invited? Yeah, Deana works for them, and she'll get plenty of tickets for us. She's also deemed it unnecessary to let anyone know where the party is happening, cause talking about that SCI guy who's in the band that will be performing for this event is of utmost importantance for us to know. Be there, or be square.
Frankly I choose being square. Which is the new cool. Prep-geek. I'm rambling again aren't I?
I could go into an extensive diatribe on how I don't owe Ting Yi ten bucks for something I don't wish for, but I shall leave you with this thought instead:
"I need sleep. Right now. I'm going to sleep. To sleep, perchance to dream, penned Shakespeare, and now the time's come for me to bullshit you in the middle of the night with a pseudo-quote that has totally lost credibility with you at this point, considering it's length and content. Cheers, goodnight and good luck."
Where Are the Other Fflooshers?
Erwin Nah
p.s. Apple, you are in Eve's eyes, and will be loved now and tomorrow. Worry not for Adam's sake, weep not either for the sick. Dry your tears and prepare to fear, fearing the days of silence ahead, but lean on us we'll be your bed, your comfort where your grief be laid.
Elix Arkan fflooshed @ 3:18 AM
Ffloosh is behind you, edi-TOR Nah.
Hello Fflooshers (the name sounds weird),
Greetings i bring from the inhabitants of Joshua-land. where the number of citizenships currently stands at one (yours truly, uh-hum). that's if you don't include the monkey that i mentioned in my story that is able to communicate with the spirits and bring them back. ah, whatever. anyway, it's fictional.
and it's ok lay ming, not all of us get a kick out of making convoluted, lengthy sentences ornamented with incomprehensible, bombastic, obscure, unfathomable, mind-boggling, confounding language like some of these exclusively linguistically inclined, highly profound aliens who totally enjoy writing stuff that other than baffles most of the time, does sometimes achieve the effect of evoking a snigger or a guffaw here and there. trust me, i was not totally independent of the thesaurus in the completion of this crappy, meaningless, unedifying, stupendous paragraph. phew. what a mouthful.
ok, here's the point. most of us write simple because we seek the understanding and agreement of others in what we write. so we don't write to confound. haha. ok lah.... everyone just have their own style of writing (this line came from the editor) lah... and some people are gifted in their writing... which sadly i am not... but who cares? ok, i am devoting too much blog space to this rubbish...
anyway, i was supposed to be the second person to post, but some people beat me to it. so no points for the first non-editorial post. hahaha... but i didn't know what i wanted to post as well... actually i still don't know. well.. for a start, i could go on again on how much fun i had during the camp, and also how much un-fun i had as well... but that's boring.
ok i know. i could help our dear editor campaign for the post of chair FOC '07. i think it will be so cool if he becomes the chair. (i am so going to laugh until i get fits and die) and i am not questioning his competency, but the thought of him going up and starting his captive audience speech again just triggers the hysteria button in me. yes, and so i was supposed to be campaigning instead. so here goes.
erwin bananah rocks big time can. (shit, i sound very wrong) he's able to start a conversation on his own. i mean that's really not easy can. some people can do that for a minute max and then feel real stupid and stop. but this guy, i tell you... woah! he can just go on and on and on and on and until he's done with what he has to say. best thing is he is able to capture an audience in the process of doing so (albeit an imaginary one most of the time)... ok lah, i'm sure the Fflooshers will be listening. and plus he can do a Hong Kong accent like Russell Peters in "Russell Peters". i don't know what's the name of the show lah. and the funniest part is when he gets so sucked into the role that when he tries to revert back to his normal singaporean way of speaking, he just blurts out another mouthful of stuff in HK accent. i think that's quite a bit about him already. so next time, if you see him round the corner trying to make a highly condescending (ok, the word doesn't sound very nice, just ignore the negative connotations, i can't think of another word for now. ok, how about "demeaning"? ok, it sounds just as bad. forget it) joke about someone (it's usually deana, cos she's worth more points), just go over and give him a hi-five if you think he's funny, and a hi-ten if you think he's real funny. well, otherwise, just be nice and give him in a hi-V or a hi-two or a hi-twist (whatever you call it) ok...
ok bottomline is, throw in your vote for him when he runs for FOC '07 chair.
ok, erwin, now you owe me ten bucks for making myself a shallow, fatuous, imbecile fansi of yours. gosh. i have just lost another few friends in the process. but thank goodness i have...........................................................................................Ffloosh!!! - the answer to an impending friendless life in school. =) yay. i am awarded 10 pts for making such a great promotion for Ffloosh. but back to the point, i have just degraded myself to campaign for you, now you can only return the favour by running for FOC'07 chair.
ok, i feel real stupid now. i shall return to Joshua-land to save myself any further embarassment. i'll be back again when my next visa is approved. till then, please keep me as a friend still.
and on a serious note, please do keep Apple's mum and Apple in your prayers. let's not forget that there's one of us who isn't having it easy even as we crap along and talk nonsense and have fun here and now.
To Apple: Be strong, Ffloosh will always be there to back you up. =) God bless.
and God bless y'all too,
Ting Yi
azif_ah fflooshed @ 1:20 AM
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Ambassador of Prawn Republic
Greetings from the land of crustaceans.
Much as i'm tempted to throw in a post this afternoon at my tuition student's place, i guess i should leave it till now where i have more time and freedom to do it. It'll be scandalous to see my student's mom prying over my shoulders only to know that i'm blogging instead of researching on chemistry.
However, i regret to say... my fellow prawnies are not available tomorrow, as most of them do already have friends, and hence plans were already made. Ummmmm. Never mind. We shall ffloosh them when school opens, ya?
Anyway, kudos to erwin for the tastefully written description of the fflooshers.
LOL! =p
Shannon fflooshed @ 10:45 PM
hey hey!
boo! layming here. jus to let u all know, i have a personal blog at so feel free to drop by! ok lah i'm doing this cos i think no one is reading my blog which i think is damn sad so trying to up my readership =P but then again, the language i use ah, is the veh simple kind so if u r the veh cheem, looking for depth kind of person (looking at our chain emails n stuff, i think got a few like veh cheem kind of ppl cos u guys play with language in a way i nv do) den pls skip my blog k?? haha. =D
lays fflooshed @ 5:01 PM
erwin has wrote a tremendously hilarious entry...hahaha..
i have nothing much to say, so this post is just an evidence that i have joined this blog.
shuwan fflooshed @ 4:46 PM
Ffloosh Activities
Good morning once again everyone! Well, that was wonderful sleep, hopefully you've read the entry and have digested all the crap I was spewing in my half-awake stupor last night. I return this afternoon to bring you more breaking news.
What the Ffloosh Is Happening?
Well we've got several exciting activities lined up for fflooshers this week! And one solemn event that I will talk about later on in the
show entry.
Numero UnFirst Up! The
weekend getaway cum ffloosh inauguration happens tomorrow! We'll be meeting at 11am at Harbour Front MRT, or if you can get to Sentosa directly, meet us there at 12 pm! Tanjong Beach KM8 there! For all those who've said that they can't go, I totally understand and we will see you guys for dinner!
So it happens the whole of tomorrow! Beach, Sun, Sand, Water, Games (uh...), and a really nice dinner somewhere! We'll decide tomorrow!
(This whole enthu thing is damn irritating. I think I've killed my exclamation mark rations for the next ten years.)
For all those who've not replied or feel shy about coming cause you think it's very clique-y, do not worry about any of these things! The whole point of these activities is so that we will help each other kill mosquitoes, and at the same time we'll mingle and talk with one another! I know I'm guilty of not really talking to some of you guys, so I'll make full effort in getting to know you guys better. Just come for these activities. Judging from some of your Friendster accounts, which I know is not the perfect gauge, I think many of you guys are fantastically interesting.
Or I could just be inquisitive by nature. Anyway, back to activities.
Numero Deux
noun 1. A music entertainment system providing pre-recorded accompaniment to popular songs that a perfomer sings live, usually by following the words on a video screen. 2. The performance of such music.
I have no idea what's going with this one, but I've got the feeling the details aren't finalised yet. Judging by the looks of the emails though, I think there's a substantial number of people headed for this. It'll (should) be happening on Monday, July 24th, at KBOX Marina Square from 2-7 pm. Be there at 1.30 pm, and don't be late!
Dinner will also be happening, or so I've been led to believe, and we might be using our Marche vouchers, so for those who aren't there that night, I'm sorry... really, cause I'll be eating your share for you, all that yummy food. Oh, and we will all share a nice waffles and crepes with ice-cream, in honour of missing comrades of course (yeah really).
Uhm, if any of you can't make it for the above activities and you've not mentioned anything about it in the emails, OR if you just want to make an observation or something, just add a comment or write a full entry on why you're disgruntled/ sad/ alone/ depressed/ happy with whatever.
The Comments box is for your feedback, so we don't have to do it on emails. If you've also got more members to induct into Ffloosh, just place an entry with a mug shot of them (plus a short write-up), we'll focus and give silent ooshes-of-approval to make them full-fledged members (plus I'll email them an invite to the blog). Okie dokey? Oosh.
Numero French-For-Three (Solemn Event)
There will be a prayer meeting for Apple's mum sometime this week. The situation looks pretty grim, so I suggest you start praying (whichever religion you subscribe to) for her mum. If you need further details (about Christian prayer meeting, not various religions), contact Ting Yi at Thanks.
In Closing
This pretty much sums up what we'll be doing for the next few days. Please please please feel free to blog about anything you want, as long as it's not terribly mundane and filled with humourless banter, we'll be okay with it. We aren't very discerning or judgemental, just look at our members (not that lah, sicko...). So I say, blog away on Ffloosh! Your webportal to youth ranting, ravings, ramblings and ra- never mind.
I can't hardly wait to see what you guys can come up with! Oosh!
Cheers, Ed,
Han Niwre
Elix Arkan fflooshed @ 2:50 PM
First post! 50 points!
Hello fellow FFLOoshers!
I totally just killed myself laughing at our editor, BanaNah's welcome note. If some unsuspecting stranger comes around and finds this blog, its so gonna scare the s**t outta him. (I was about to type the word out but BanaNah's warning of not having un-ladylike behaviour made me think twice. Adult behaviour, yes.) By the way, the word is shit. (Oops.)
Yes, this idea is so much better than all the tsunami emails. Goodness its quite heart stopping when you open your MSN and see like 54 new emails, thinking you're becoming someone popular, only to see 54 "RE: Setting Off"s staring back at you.
Did I mention that I'm damn excited about tomorrow? Our FFLOosh brotherhood is spreading far and wide and even Shannon from Hae might be joining us! (and possibly bringing more prawns along so we can all be FFL) Seniors like Winnie the Pooh are also coming along! Hah the brotherhood is spreading like wildfire. Whoopee. Now we dont have to be alone in the corner of lectures anymore.
And oh yes, vote BanaNah for FOC chair next year! HAHAHHAHAA. Oops Nah is so gonna kill me for saying this. It's a joke ok, yes, just a joke...... -sniggers-
And do I get points for being the first, non-editor FFLOosher to blog? 50 points!!!!
Charmain the big one.
charmaiin fflooshed @ 2:36 PM
Welcome Fflooshers 2006!
Hello Everyone,
Welcome to the Friends-For-Life-Oosh (Ffloosh) blog! As you all know, one of our members (I think Charbeehoon) suggested that we set up a blog to make organizing things easier for everyone. Considering that this support group/ not-so-secret society/ desperate-people community was started to ensure that we had friends and support come School Opening Day, I've decided to act upon her excellent suggestion by opening this blog to everyone in the brotherhood (wow, just a week old and already so many ways to describe a collective of people).
As this blog is meant for everyone to blog on and comment on stuff, feel free to just type whatever you want on it, if you want to start a gossip thread, by all means go ahead, if you want to show off how witty or eloquent you are, this is your stage. However, there will be some rules that have to be enforced. Okay, one rule, a very simple one:
What is not wanted, will not be had.
It's really simple, whatever that's offensive and repulsive and in no way stimulating or desirable will be taken off, like poof! All gone! This is to ensure that you do take some thought to your writing before just plonking all your emotional ranting onto this blog. I know I said anything, but keep it clean ladies and gents. Don't want no one crying over stupid little things. Adult behaviour, cool?
Okay, now that I've cleared all the boring disclaimer shit, here's the more interesting parts, or at least as interesting as I can type at 2.40 am after talking to 2 people for damn long just trying to convince them to do something.
oosh, more popularly known now as Ffloosh. Ffloosh is a support group borne from the rather amoebic-like SCIFOCOG known as
Lala. Due to the need for face-destroying, embarrassing, funny antics to spice up our (rather typical) orientation camp activities, our OG members bravely sacrificed their dignity and future friends for this worthy Cause. This led them to eventually conclude that when school begins we would be very very alone. Proof of this face-throwing can be seen from several examples, e.g. "The Dua-Neh 'Little' Red Riding Hood", Colgate+Plaque Realistic Catfighting, "A Few Words About Your OGLs" incident (and subsequent Captive Audience Fallout) & Hunky Wakeboarding Instructor Mirror Games.
As such, there was a need for a special support group, one that would help these individuals lead healthy, normal and no-choice-these-are-your-friends lives. We endeavour to ensure that these brave souls have friends (albeit lacking in choice) when school starts. We get these new friends from
shamelessly coercing into recruitment encouraging these people with more intact faces into volunteer service. Of course Fflooshperks are available but they may not be completely fulfilled due to the lack of manpower.
We are Ffloosh. We are not legion, but we're getting bigger and you will want to join, because it's just so f**king cool to be one of us. I hope. Please? Be our friend... or we'll send Renita to get the ball back from you. You know she can really get balls back. By the way, can someone check the roster and get back to me regarding that Renita application? Is she one of us yet?
Where Do I Sign?
Hold up one second young punk, I'm not done yet. You think that just because you're going into Uni, with your gay Havaianas, ghim-lion king hair hidden under a trucker cap you wear at night, ragged-looking Chang Beer singlet and typical boardshorts (if this describes any current members, please don't beat yourself up too much about it, I'm merely making fun of our Non-members, no offence, not totally anyway) you're gonna be called in to join our brosishood?
I say NoooOOOooo. (see
Russell Peters)
First you've got to understand
The Points System. The Points System is very simple to understand. You crack a witty/lame/deadpan/self-deprecating joke (or suaning someone else) and if we all unanimously agree with your "observation", you will see many hands headed your direction.
No, we are not trying to touch you. Not now at least.
You get 5 points each time someone agrees with you, and they show this support by high-fiving you. I would draw a diagram to illustrate the process and physics of high-fiving, but I'm lazy and I assume that unless you were a raised by wolves somewhere in Siberia you'd have been high-fived to death as a toddler. So no drawings.
For 10 points you'll need to have made a joke so hilarious everyone wants to high-five you. 2 points for jokes so dry and lame we just have to give it to you for effort.
BONUS Each time you make fun of Deana our OGL you get 20 points! So hurry! While Deana hasn't killed herself!
Our current best promotion for perks is the all-day
Mosquito Coverage! Due to the fact that you've got no friends and need to have another Ffloosh member in sight and proximity, this perk is excellent beyong measure! Offered no where else! By virtue of being a Ffloosher, you help one another kill mosquitoes! This helps build camaraderie and espirit de corps!
Think about it, the sheer ecstasy achieved in mosquito assassination! You'll be saving your friend's life, your life, and helping the government promote their anti-mosquito campaign!
In order to join, just look for one of our members. They can be recognised from their shifty, overly- suspicious looks of terror and anger targeted when you spot them at the back of the classroom. They might be hard to spot considering how they like to hide in corners huddled together for security.
Approach with caution and say, I wanna be a Ffloosher! The chances are they'll ignore you, bite and/or try to stab you. I think the best chance you have of joining is really to wait, cause after joining this we're pretty much shame-free so we approach anyone who's nice enough for our tastes.
Just ask our happy Fflooshers, Deana, Kenneth, Scott, Cheryl, Say Heng, etc. We've also got cross-OG connections, like Shannon, who one day just decided to show me his toe, cut and bleeding in several places. I don't know why, but the weird ones seem to know where to find us. I suppose it's cause they know where they truly belong.
So if you're fun-loving enough to swap horrible forfeit concoctions with apple tea bought from the mama shop, and later pretending as though you're drinking the most horriblest thing in the universe, see your local Ffloosher today!
Erwin Nah
Elix Arkan fflooshed @ 3:37 AM